Beyond the Surface @ Westbeth Gallery

December 12, 2023

Cube (after Winsor)

Daniel G. Hill, Cube (after Winsor), 33×33×33× in.

Beyond the Surface: Constructing Destruction
Curated by Vida Geranmayeh
Westbeth Gallery, NYC, January 5–25, 2014

Featured artists:
Gail Biederman, Lily de Bont, Daniel G. Hill, Kathleen Kucka, Steven Millar, Gelah Penn, David Rhodes, Mary Schiliro, Howard Schwartzberg, Jan Maarten Voskuil

Beyond the Surface: Constructing Destruction navigates the nuanced space between creation and disruption, with a focus on transformative techniques and the integral role of materials in the creative process. The exhibition re-contextualizes the traditional mediums of painting and sculpture, as each artist explores the dynamic interplay of contrasting transformations. In an era marked by global challenges, the exhibition positions art as a platform for dialogue and positive change. It confronts self-censorship, extends the reach of artistic expression, and encourages viewers to investigate uncharted territories. By reexamining the familiar, these artists discover new paths within established genres, inspiring viewers to question and reconsider prevailing artistic notions. The exhibition underscores the importance of mastery of craft in achieving innovation, often leading to an expansion of artistic boundaries.

CENTURY. idea bauhaus @ Museum Wilhelm Morgner

June 25, 2023

Vertical Weave 3, verso and recto

Vertical Weave 3, verso and recto

CENTURY. idea bauhaus— a drj art project with 100+6 international positionsMuseum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany
from the Schroth collection
Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst
25 June to 27 August


April 30, 2023

Self-Obstructing Linkage

Daniel G. Hill, Self-Obstructing Linkage, 2022, MDF, polypropylene webbing, zinc alloy buckles, 62 x 91.5 x 176.5 cm

ON BALANCE—New Work by American Abstract Artists
Curated by Mary Birmingham
Art Cake in Brooklyn, April 15–May 14, 2023

Featured Artists:
Alice Adams, Liz Ainslie, Steven Alexander, Emily Berger, Jeffrey Bishop, Susan Bonfils, Marvin Brown, Jacob Cartwright, James Clark, Gabriele Evertz, Laurie Fendrich, Joanne Freeman, Cris Gianakos, Gary Golkin, Gail Gregg, James Gross, Lynne Harlow, Carl E. Hazlewood, Mara Held, Pinkney Herbert, Daniel G. Hill, Gilbert Hsiao, Rhia Hurt, Julian Jackson, James Juszczyk, Cecily Kahn, Marthe Keller, Iona Kleinhaut, Victor Kord, Jane Logemann, Stephen Maine, Nancy Manter, Joanne Mattera, Creighton Michael, Manfred Mohr, Judith Murray, Lisa Nanni, Jim Osman, Rob de Oude, John Phillips, Corey Postiglione, Lucio Pozzi, Raquel Rabinovich, Ce Roser, Irene Rousseau, Cordy Ryman, Lorenza Sannai, Karen Schifano, Mary Schiliro, Claire Seidl, Edward Shalala, Susan Smith, Melissa Staiger, Li Trincere, Kim Uchiyama, Don Voisine, Stephen Westfall, Jeanne Wilkinson, Mark Williams, Thornton Willis, Patricia Zarate, Nola Zirin


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Essay: Harmony and Contrast

May 17, 2022


#9802, 1998, acrylic on canvas, 15 × 15 in

Harmony and Contrast—Chromatic Painting at the Turn of the Century

by Jacob Cartwright

Published by American Abstract Artists to accompany the exhibition
HARMONY AND CONTRAST: Chromatic Painting at the Turn of the Century
presented by TRANSMITTER, Brooklyn, NY, May 14–June 19, 2022

Featuring works by:
Siri Berg, Gabriele Evertz, Daniel G. Hill, and Vincent Longo

Exhibition curated by Jacob Cartwright and Rob de Oude

Harmony and Contrast @ TRANSMITTER/

May 11, 2022


#9407, 1994, acrylic on canvas, 72×44 in

I’m very pleased to announce my inclusion in this thoughtfully curated exhibition at Transmitter in Bushwick and that my work will be seen in the context of such wonderful artists: Siri Berg, Vincent Longo, and Gabriele Evertz.

Harmony and Contrast: Chromatic Painting at the Turn of the Century
Curated by Jacob Cartwright and Rob de Oude
MAY 14 – JUNE 19, 2022
Opening Reception: May 14, 3-6 PM
1329 Willoughby Ave. 2A, Brooklyn, NY

Parallel Play in Raggedy Ann’s Foot

October 15, 2021

Trilogy: Hill, Schiliro, Zarate. Cuts of various kinds, from literal shaping of the edge or reshaping interior to the abrupt color transitions in a drawing.

Parallel Play featured in Raggedy Ann’s Foot, a blog written by artist Elisabeth Condon
October 15, 2021

Parallel Play @ John Molloy Gallery

September 25, 2021

Double Fall (detail)

Double Fall (detail), 22 x 17 x 2.5 in. (56 x 43 x 6.5 cm.), cotton, starch, map tacks, 2019

Parallel Play
John Molloy Gallery
New York, NY
September 25 – October 30
Jacob Cartwright, Daniel G. Hill, Mary Schiliro, Patricia Zarate

Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age @ Hofstra Univ. Art Museum

January 8, 2020

Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age

James O. Clark, John Goodyear, Lynne Harlow, Daniel G. Hill, Gilbert Hsiao, Irene Rousseau, James Seawright, Patricia Zarate

Curated by Karen T. Albert, Acting Director and Chief Curator
Hofstra University Museum of Art, Hempstead, NY
January 28 – June 19, 2020

Preview and Artist Reception:
Sunday, January 26, 2020, 2–5 pm
RSVP to 516-463-5672. Advance registration is recommended.
Admission is free; light refreshments will be served.

Roundtable discussion: Shock of the New
Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 4:30-6pm
Christiane Paul, author of Digital Art, will be joining a group of presenters from various academic disciplines who will address a variety of issues related to the exhibition themes.

More info…

AAA: Digital Prints 2012 – 2019

January 3, 2020

American Abstract Artists: Digital Prints, 2012 - 2019

American Abstract Artists: Digital Prints, 2012 – 2019
75th Anniversary Print Portfolio & 2019 Monoprint Portfolio
January 3 – February 9, 2020

1329 Willoughby Avenue, 2A, Brooklyn, NY 11237
Saturday and Sunday 1pm-6pm or by appointment

Transmitter is pleased to inaugurate the New Year with an exhibition devoted to two print portfolios published by American Abstract Artists—75th Anniversary Print Portfolio and 2019 Monoprint Portfolio.

In 2012, in a meaningful shift, AAA chose to embrace digital printing for the 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio. All prior print portfolios had been produced using various forms of lithography. This shift in printing technology represented a conscious decision to situate the portfolio, and the group, squarely within the 21st century. The 2019 Monoprint Portfoliowas created to complement the 75th Anniversary Print Portfolio and allows for a print exhibition that surveys the work of the group’s current members.

Following the exhibition at Transmitter, American Abstract Artists: Digital Prints, 2012 – 2019 will travel to the Gallery at the Visual and Performing Arts Center at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, CT in October, 2020, and Herron School of Art + Architecture in Indianapolis, IN in January, 2021.

#01–Biennale of Reductive and Non-Objective Art–Sydney

October 19, 2019

#01–Biennale of Reductive and Non-Objective Art–Sidney
curated by Dr. Billy Gruner
Stores Building
Parramatta, NSW, Australia
October 19 – December 22, 2019


biennale internationale d’art non objectif

September 14, 2019

biennale internationale d’art non objectif de la ville de Pont de Claix
curated by Roland Orépük
Forward as before…
En avant comme avant …
de 14 septembre à 16 novembre
Les Moulins de Villancourt, 83 cours Saint-André
Le Pont-De-Claix, Rhone-Alpes, France

Ivan Belov (ru) / John Bunker (uk) / Stu Burke (uk) / Philippe Chitarrini (fr) / Vincent De Monpezat (fr) / Elena Dombrowska (au) / Robert Dunne (ie) / John Francis ( ca/fr) / Daniel G. Hill (us) / Alexandr Golinsky (ru) / Bastien Joussaume (fr) / AnnekeKlein Kranenberg (ni) / Denis Malbos (fr) / Aslihan Mumcu (tr) / Heather Scheehan (us/de) / Sonita Singwi (us) / Jessica Snow (us) / Serhiy Popov (au)

CENTURY. idee bauhaus @ POSITIONS Berlin art fair

September 12, 2019

Vertical Weave 3 (recto and verso), 21 x 29.7 cm
Strathmore 500 bristol and Fabriano Tiziano paper, 2018

drj art projects presents CENTURY. idee bauhaus as thematic special exhibition at POSITIONS Berlin art fair.

An outstanding highlight of this year’s Berlin Art Week is the second edition of CENTURY. idee bauhaus, the drj art projects contribution to the official program of 100 Years Bauhaus, in Hangar 4 of Tempelhof Airport, at the POSITIONS Berlin art fair. There, it will be shown as a special thematic exhibition in section E02.

After a two-year preparatory phase, 100 international artists from the minimal-conceptual field of contemporary art were invited by a curatorial team to a personal reflection on the influence of the Bauhaus in their work on a DIN A4 sheet. The result is an enormous diversity of content in works of art created specifically for 100 years of Bauhaus, which impressively illustrate the topicality and impact of the most important German art school of the 20th century, from personal closeness to critical distance.

Het is Zomer @ Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery

July 11, 2019

Black White Weave—St. John Chrysostom, 27.5 x 27.5 x 3.5 cm, dyed and natural cotton over wood, 2015

Pleased to be exhibiting again at the Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery in Brussels, July 11 through September 14, 2019.
145, rue Washington
1050 Bruxelles
+32 (0)478 84 89 81
Call for hours.

With: Manon BARA, Paolo BONI, Pierre DESSONS, Madora FREY, Rachael GORCHOV, Daniel G.HILL, Roxanne JACKSON, Robin KANG, Estelle LAGARDE, Paul MACIEJOWSKI, Richard MEITNER, Eric RAMOS GUERRERO, Mary SCHILIRO, Yoshie SUGITO and Cuchi WHITE

Be Absolutely Concrete @ hase29, Osnabrück, Germany

May 7, 2019

I’m please to be exhibiting again with the Drawing Collective and six guests at hase29 in Osnabrück, Germany.
BE ABSOLUTELY CONCRETE—Drawing Worlds—Welten zeichnen
22. Juni – 3. August 2019

For more information, see the hase29 web site.

CENTURY. idee bauhaus at dr. julius | ap

April 29, 2019

century idee bauhaus

I’m very pleased to have been invited to participate in this exhibition of 100 international artists in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus.

CENTURY. Idee bauhaus
a drj project with 100 international artists

Opening Sunday, April 28, 2019, 11:30 am – 6 pm
Exhibition through June 23, 2019
Thursday–Saturday 3–7 pm and by appointment

dr. julius | ap
Leberstrasse 60
D–10829 Berlin

For more info, go to

Vertical Weave 1, verso and recto

Vertical Weave 1, verso and recto

Solo Exhibition @ Abstract Project, Paris

March 4, 2019

Rope, Rod, Rag

I’m please to announce that I’ll be having a one-person exhibition at Abstract Project in Paris, France. Please join me for the opening reception on Wednesday, March 20, 6–9 pm.

See photos.

exposition: 21–30 mars 2019
vernissage: 20 mars de 18h à 21h
ouvert du mercredi á samedi de 14h à 19h

adresse: 5, rue des immeubles industriels
75011, paris, france
métro: Nation

Falling into Place @ ODETTA

December 30, 2018


Dishtowel Fold v.2,, 94.5 x 49 x 26 inches (240 x 124 x 66 cm), 2018

I’m pleased to be exhibiting at ODETTA in Falling into Place, a three-person exhibition with Mary SCHILIRO and Norma MARQUEZ OROZCO, 1–24 February, 2019.

There will be a reception at the gallery on Sunday, 3 February, 2–4 pm.
229 Cook Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206
I hope to see you there.

The opening reception will be on Friday, 1 February, 6–8 pm, however, I will not be in attendance as I will be in Portland, Maine for the opening of Drawing Now at ICA MECA.

Drawing Now @ ICA MECA

December 30, 2018

Black White Weave 1, recto and verso

Black White Weave 1, recto and verso, 13 x 13 inches, 2018

As a member of The Drawing Collective, my work will be included in Drawing Now, co-curated by Bruce Brown and Munira Naqui at the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine.
17 January – 8 March, 2019

Two works from the Black White Weave series of double-sided paper weavings will be included.

I will be attending the opening reception on Friday, 1 February, 5-8 pm. I hope to see you there.


NY Abstract Now @ Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery

December 30, 2018

Black Fishnet

Black Fishnet, 2018, 65 x 48 x 6 in.


I’m pleased to have my work included in NY Abstract Now at the Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery in Brussels, Belgium, 10 January – 9 February.

Please join me at the vernissage: 10 January, 6-8 pm.
145, rue Washington, 1050 Bruxelles

For those unable to come to the vernissage on Thursday, I will also be at the gallery in the afternoon of Saturday, 12 January. Please let me know if you will join me.

The exhibition includes work by Timothy ATTICUS, Madora FREY, Rachael GORCHOV, Robin KANG, Mary SCHILIRO and Marc Van CAUWENBERGH.


Upcoming Exhibitions—winter/spring 2019

November 20, 2018

Black White Weave 1, recto and verso

Black White Weave 1 (recto and verso)
13 x 13 inches (33 x 33 cms), Strathmore and Fabriano papers, 2018

NY Abstract Now at Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 10 January – 9 February

Falling into Place at ODETTA, Brooklyn, New York, 1 – 24 February

Drawing Now at Institute of Contemporary Art at MECA, Portland, Maine, 17 January – 8 March

Rope, Rod, Rag (solo exhibition) at Abstract Project, Paris, France, 20–30 March

CENTURY. idee bauhaus at dr. julius | ap, Berlin, Germany, 28 April – 23 June

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Dessin en volume pour Agathe

April 10, 2018

photo: Daniel G. Hill

LOOK&LISTEN à la Voute
Saint-Chamas, France
5 – 31 mai, 2018
Vernissage le 5 Mai à La voûte Revellotti, rue de la Fraternité, à Saint-Chamas, à 18h.
Ouverture mercredi et samedi de 10h à 18h
06 80 45 03 32

Facebook Event

Dessin en volume pour Agathe
Avec Karine Debouzie, Daniel G. Hill, Izabela Kowalczyk, Lydia Rump.

Entre la peinture et la sculpture, dessin en volume, c’est une rencontre de différents languages artistiques qui mettent en valeur l’esthétique de la ligne hors du papier, dans l’espace, in situ.

Soirée de vernissage sera accompagné par un concert de ‘Tea for Three’. Ce trio vous fear voyager dans le monde du jazz, s’inspirant du swing d’Ella Fitzgerald et Louis Armstrong, de la délicatesse de Chet Baker, de la subtilité de Bill Evans et de la modernité de Brad Mehldau.
Chant – Julie Meola
Piano – Nina Gat
Contrebasse – Nicolas Fleury

Ce projet s’inscrit dans le parcours du Printemps de l’Art Contemporain.

Grounds for Optimism @ Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

January 3, 2018

Black Widow (detail)
polyester cord and stainless steel,
72×60 inches, 2018

Grounds for Optimism
curated by Ivo Ringe
11–28 February, 2018
Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens
Near Gulval, Penzance, Cornwall, UK

Participating artists:
Tim ALLEN (UK), Steven BARIS (US), Alain BILTEREYST (BE),  Joaquim CHANCHO (ES), Mark FRANCIS (UK), Alison HALL (US), Daniel G. HILL (US), Riki MIJLING (NL), Jan van der PLOEG (NL), Ivo RINGE (DE),  Rolf ROSE (DE), Regine SCHUMANN (DE), Don VOISINE (US)

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Clash of the Titans @ 108AG Projects, Mexico City

January 2, 2018

Surface & Substance @ The Painting Center

December 23, 2017

Surface & Substance @ The Painting Center
547 West 27th Street, Suite 500, N.Y., N.Y. 10001
Curated by Hester Simpson

January 2–27, 2018

Reception: Thursday, Jan. 11, 6–8 pm

Paul Behnke, Elisa D’Arrigo, Shane Drinkwater, Daniel G. Hill, Elizabeth Knowles, Mario Naves, Carol Salmanson, Mary Schiliro, Jane Schiowitz. Hester Simpson

Objectify @ Trestle Gallery

September 10, 2017

Robert Burnier, Sonĝo Pavimo (di Giovanni / Lorenzetti), 2017, Acrylic on aluminum, 16 x 10 x 7 in.

Curated by Daniel G. Hill and Mary Schiliro

Trestle Gallery
850 3rd Avenue (btw 30th and 31st Streets), Suite 411
Brooklyn, NY 11232
22 September – 4 November, 2017

Gallery Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 1:30-6:30 pm

Reception: Friday, 22 September, 7–9 pm

Conversation with participating artists: Tuesday, 10 October, 7–8 pm


Objectify, a group exhibition of international artists, presents work that defies categorization and moves in a space between painting and sculpture, image and object. Objects engage the corners of the gallery, unroll onto the floor and slide under the walls. Color palettes range from the austerely achromatic to the playful and intensely polychromed. Painted works are shaped, creased, folded, and formed.

Much of the work is influenced by painting yet emphasizes its objecthood by using methods of presentation that reduce its spatial and pictorial implications. Some works can be viewed as sculpture that has moved to the wall or as painting that has moved to the floor, though, at times, these boundaries have been transgressed more than once before settling into place.

Many of the artists share an interest in process and materiality. Others are involved in the disembodiment and deconstruction of painting. The physicalization of ideas in real space subverts held assumptions and habits of viewing. One’s understanding of the work as an object in the world and the attendant categories is thrown into question.

Richard van der Aa (NZ, FR), Robert Burnier (US), Iemke van Dijk (NL), Daniel G. Hill (US), Emma Langridge (AU), Laura Nillni (AR, FR), Jim Osman (US), Mary Schiliro (US), Bogumila Strojna (PL, FR), Guido Winkler (NL), Patricia Zarate (US)

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Raakvlakken—Beelden in Leiden

May 12, 2017

Raakvlakken—Beelden in Leiden
May 18 – August 6, 2017
Various locations in downtown Leiden, NL


Raakvlakken is a multi-venue sculpture exhibition sponsored by Beelden in Leiden (BIL). It is part of a nation-wide celebration—Mondrian to Dutch Design—of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the De Stijl movement and the publication of the magazine of the same name by Theo van Doesburg who was living in Leiden at the time. Along with 16 other international artists, I have been invited by curators Iemke van Dijk and Guido Winkler of IS Projects to exhibit in the Achmea Gebouw.
reception: Thursday, May 18 beginning at 14h45 in the Achmea Gebouw, Dellaertweg 1

Exhibiting Artists:
Iris Bouwmeester-nl, Gerard Caris-nl, Henk Delabie-be, Edgar Diehl-de, Daniel G. Hill-us, Peter Holm-dk, Krijn de Koning-nl, Andrew Leslie-aus, Riki Mijling-nl, Brigitte Parusel-uk, Paul Raguenes-fr, Richard Roth-us, Rubins J. Spaans-nl, Mary Schiliro-us, Tilman-it, Jan Maarten Voskuil-nl, Thomas Wildner-nl

Other locations of the exhibition are Hooglandse Kerkgracht and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). For More information…

Spider Painting

Spider Painting, 2016 (left) with a work by Richard Roth

Diagonal Slice II

Diagonal Slice II, 2014–2015 (right) with a work by Edgar Diehl

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Intercontinental Line @ Galerie Abstract Project

May 10, 2017

© Daniel G. HillAn international exhibition of artists from Europe and North America taking place at Galerie Abstract Project in Paris, 11–20 May, 2017.

5, rue des Immeubles Industriels, 75011, Paris (metro Nation)
vernissage: mercredi 10 mai de 18h à 21h
ourvert du mercredi au samedi de 14h à 19h
finissage: samedi 20 mai de 16h à 19h

Exhibiting Artists:
Delnau (FR), Emily Berger (US), Yifat Gat (IL), Daniel G. Hill (US), Creighton Michael (US),  Munira Naqui (US), Shawn Stipling (UK), Bogumila Strojna (FR/PL), Anna Szprynger (PL), Tenesh Webber (CA)

curated by B. Strojna and D. Hill

At a time when exchanges are frequent and distances and differences are abolished or, on the contrary, tend to be exacerbated, I wanted to organize an exhibition bringing together artists from all over the world.

This exhibition is the first in a series in which European artists will exhibit with artists from different continents. Each time, as co-curator of the exhibition, I will work with an artist of the corresponding continent. The first edition of Intercontinental Line presents the work of artists from Europe and North America and has been developed and realized in collaboration with New York artist Daniel G. Hill.

As a creative support and graphic element present in each field of plastic creation, line has been chosen to serve as a common denominator. Though initially associated with drawing, its use is currently available in all fields of the plastic arts—painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, installation—crossing all currents of abstract art. Our choice of works tends to show that.

The purpose of this exhibition is to question the use of line—in its differences and similarities—according to the continents, with their cultural, geopolitical, and historical specificities. Because we ask this question, the subtitle of the exhibition is reflection in progress. The answer may or may not be given and only at the end of the series of Intercontinental Line exhibitions.

B. Strojna
English translation by D. Hill

Bridging the Distance

Daniel G. Hill, Bridging the Distance
polyester cord, PVC rod, and stainless steel (cordon de polyester, tige de PVC et acier inoxydable)
104 x 250 x 60 cm

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Carrément 4 Preview in Art Absolument

March 17, 2017

Art Absolument, mars-avril 2017

by Delphine Alexandre
Published in Art Absolument
March 17, 2017

Numéro 76 Mars/Avril 2017

Read in French and English.

I’m very pleased to have my work featured alongside that of Milija Belic, Atsushi Kobayashi, and Bogumila Strojna in this article in Art Absolument.

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CARRÉMENT 4 @ Espace Christiane Peugeot

March 14, 2017


Spider Painting

Spider Painting, stainless steel wire, 36 x 30 x 3 inches (91.5 x 76 x 7.5 cm.), 2016

I’ve been invited to participate in CARRÉMENT 4, an annual collective exhibition of non-objective art at Espace Christiane Peugeot, 62 avenue de la Grande Armée, 75017 Paris
18 April – 1 May, 2017

vernissage: 20 avril de 18h à 21h

Exhibiting artists:
David Apikian,  Chantal Atelin,  Françoise Aubry, Milija Belic, Roger Bensasson, Joël Besse, Charles Bezie, Jean-Luc Bruckert, John Carter, Michel Clolus, Raphaël Durans, Olivier Fouchard, Antonio Garcia Leon, Daniel G. Hill, Ingrid Hornef, Atsushi Kobayashi, Rupert Mair, Elissa Marchal, Marilyn Chapin Massey, Roland Orepuk, Loredana Rancatore, Claudine Sallenave, Jocelyne Santos, Jun Sato, Szasz Janos Saxon, Werner Stemans, Bogumila Strojna, Daniel Tostivint, Jacques Weyer


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The Drawing Collective in Paris and Sydney

March 14, 2017



As a member of the Drawing Collective, I’ll be participating in exhibitions at Galerie Olivier Nouvellet, Paris, March 24–26, 2017 and at Articulate Upstairs, Leichhardt, NSW, Australia; April 11 – May 1.
The Drawing Collective is an international community of artists who draw as part of their individual practice and are concerned with establishing connections among artists across borders and cultural divides.

Paris catalogue: view online

Sydney catalogue: view online

Exhibiting artists:
Richard van der Aa (guest, Paris), Wahida Azhari, Christine Boiry, Anne Brochot, Marilyn Chapin Massey, LIz Davidson, Clint Fulkerson, André Geertse, Ellen Golden, Barbara Halnan, Daniel G. Hill, Erdem Kucuk-Koroglu, Emma Langridge, Danielle Lescot, Munira Naqui, Michael Perlbach, Tineke Porck, Margaret Roberts, Diane Scott, Jamel Sghaier, Gary Shaw (guest, Sydney), Sam Still, Bogumila Strojna, Trương Thành, Wilma Vissers


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RCM Galerie @ Salon Zürcher, NY

February 27, 2017

#9601, 1996

#9601, 1996, 48 x 36 in., acrylic, on canvas

I’ll be exhibiting with RCM Galerie from Paris at Salon Zürcher, NY, February 27 – March 5.

Participating galleries:
AMP Gallery, Provincetown
Demon’s Mouth, Oslo
Mathilde Hatzenberger, Bruxelles
Inna Contemporary Art Space, Hangzhou, China
RCM Gallery, Paris
Galerie Vincenz Sala, Paris-Berlin

Exhibition review in the Murray Ledger & Times

February 8, 2017


Artist presents work to community, with an original made for the occasion
Posted: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 7:00 am

New York artist Daniel G. Hill has brought many interesting pieces to show in his “Connections & Correspondences” exhibit, currently on display at the Mary Ed Mecoy Hall Gallery at Murray State University.
One piece, called “Here We Go,” is fascinating for a number of reasons, but one stands out. He made the piece especially to show at MSU.

Download: PDF

Solo Exhibition @ Murray State University

January 20, 2017

Here We Go

Here We Go, 2016

Connections and Correspondences
Mary Ed Mecoy Hall Gallery
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky
January 20 – March 2, 2017

Richard van der Aa—”present tense” at Le Pavé D’Orsay

January 8, 2017

The work of Richard van der Aa is on exhibit at Le Pavé D’Orsay in Paris through January 17, 2017. Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue of van der Aa’s work for which I wrote an essay. You can see the catalogue online or view/download a pdf of the essay.
The essay has been cited by Amarie Bergman in Whitehot Magazine (Feb. 2017) and in a forthcoming article by Gwenaël Kerlidou.


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Lightly Structured @ Sculpture Space NYC Projects, 2016

November 23, 2016

Sculpture Space NYC

Sculpture Space NYC

Lightly Structured, curated by Patricia Zarate, at Sculpture Space NYC Projects, 47-21 35th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101
2 December, 2016 – 28 January, 2017
Opening Reception: Friday, 2 December, 6 – 9 pm
Hours: Saturdays from Noon to 6PM and by Appointment

Daniel G. Hill, Harry E. Leigh, Doreen McCarthy and Liz Sweibel

Press release



Daniel G. Hill


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4 November, 2016 | News Digest

November 5, 2016

Email archive

Closing Soon

acrylic, on canvas, 75 x 36 in., 1995

Saturday, November 5 is the final day of Chromatic Space at the Shirley Fiterman Art Center, 81 Barclay Street, New York, NY. Curated by Jonathan Lipincott, the exhibition includes work by 64 member of American Abstract Artists and eight invited guests.


The Pattern Reveals Itself @ Claudia Weil Galerie

November 4, 2016

Diagonal Slice II

Diagonal Slice II, stainless steel wire, 32 x 44 x 6 cm (12.5 x 17.5 x 2.5 inches), 2014–2015

Claudia Weil Galerie
Friedberg-Rinnenthal, Deutschland
20. November bis 29. Januar 2017

Internationale Gruppenausstellung mit 30 Künstlern aus acht Ländern
International group exposition with 30 artists from eight countries

kuratiert von Ivo Ringe

Belgien: Stefan Annerel, Alain Biltereyst
England: Tim Allen, Andrew Bick, Luke Frost, Karen Foss, Alf Löhr, Terry Pope, David Rhodes, Shawn Stipling
Irland: Mark Francis
Niederlande: Riki Mijling, Dolf Verlinden, Cecilia Vissers
Spanien: Joaquim Chancho
USA: Joe Barnes, Max Cole, Heather Sheehan, Daniel G. Hill, Rebecca Smith, Don Voisine
Schweiz: Beat Zoderer
Deutschland: Britta Bogers, Edgar Diehl, Stefan Eberstadt, Rupert Eder, Michael Jäger, Ivo Ringe, Thomas Weil, Miro Zarah

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Werner Drewes and 80 years of the American Abstract Artists

November 4, 2016


Untitled, archival inkjet print
paper size 12-3/4 x 9-3/4 in., image size 10-3/8 x 7-3/4 in.
2012, edition of 75

Werner Drewes and 80 years of the American Abstract Artists
A limited edition print portfolio honoring Werner Drewes at Washington Printmakers Gallery, 1641 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20007
2–26 November, 2016

Werner Drewes, Emily Berger, James Gross, Daniel G. Hill, Creighton Michael, Kim Uchiyama, Vera Vasek and Thornton Willis

Opening reception: Saturday, 5 November, 2–5pm

Panel Discussion: Thursday, 17 November, 6:00-8:00 pm
The Fairchild Gallery at Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, 37th & N Streets, N.W.
RSVP to: (or) 202-687-7446

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10 Ways @ RCM Galerie, Paris

September 13, 2016

10 Ways
curated by Lorenza Sannai
October 20 – November 21, 2016
RCM Galerie
32 rue de Lille – 75007, Paris, France


#9802, acrylic, on canvas, 15 x 15 inches (38 x 38 cm), 1998

Chromatic Space at Shirley Fiterman Art Center

September 13, 2016

#9504, acrylic on canvas, 75 x 36 inches, 1995
#9504, acrylic, on canvas
75 x 36 in., 1995

#9504 will be included in Chromatic Space
curated by Jonathan Lippincott at the Shirley Fiterman Art Center
22 September – 5 November, 2016
81 Barclay Street, New York, NY 10007
Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 12–6 pm
brochure (pdf)

The Black & White Project @ Gallery Transmitter

August 12, 2016

Skirt II is on exhibit at as part of The Black & White Project, NYC.

August 12 – September 11, 2016
Organised by Look&Listen, Curated by Yifat Gat.

** Special online sale for the duration of the exhibit **

Skirt II

Skirt II, galvanized steel wire and music wire, 24 x 9 x 7 inches, 2014

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10 Ways at dr. julius | ap in Berlin

April 23, 2016

Black White Weave—St. John Chrysostom 27.5 x 27.5 x 3.5 cm, dyed and natural cotton over wood, 2015

Black White Weave—St. John Chrysostom
27.5 x 27.5 x 3.5 cm, dyed and natural cotton over wood, 2015

10 Ways, curated by Lorenza Sannai, travels to dr. julius | ap in Berlin, Germany, 28 April – 4 June, 2016

Four Person Exhibition at Galerie Victor Sfez in Paris

February 26, 2016


Galerie Victor Sfez, 19 March – 23 April, 2016

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ll be exhibiting with three other wonderful artists and good friends at Galerie Victor Sfez in Paris, 19 March – 23 April, 2016. The exhibition has been organized by artist Laura Nillni.

More information and installation photographs on the galerie’s web site.
For a translation to english of the curator’s statement, see this post on Structure and Imagery, by Paul Behnke.


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Passing Through at Schema Projects in Bushwick

February 26, 2016

Wheatstone Bridge 4a

Wheatstone Bridge 4a
cotton/polyester thread and polyester film, 10 x 10 inches, 2015

Passing Through, curated by Jeanne Heifetz, is a group show of artists who use thread, whether as dimensional line, to embody time, or to map the world’s hidden forces.
4 March – 10 April, 2016

Chris Arabadjis, Takeshi Arita, Emily Barletta, Emily Hass, Daniel G. Hill, Lorrie Fredette, Robert Lansden, Oriane Stender, Audrey Stone, August Ventimiglia, Susan Walsh, Tenesh Webber

Schema Projects
92 St. Nicholas Avenue
Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY 11237


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The Onward of Art at 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery

January 18, 2016

Wheatstone Bridge 2b and Wheatstone Bridge 5a cotton/polyester thread and polyester film 10 x 10 inches 2015

Wheatstone Bridge 2b and Wheatstone Bridge 5a
cotton/polyester thread and polyester film, 10 x 10 inches, 2015

The Onward of Art: American Abstract Artists 80th Anniversary Exhibition, curated by Karen Wilkin is on view at 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery, January 18 – March 25, 2016.
More info…

See more work from this series


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Visible Histories at Morris-Warren Gallery

January 18, 2016

Skirt I

Skirt I, galvanized steel wire and music wire, 26 x 3 x 17.5 inches, 2014

Visible Histories is an exhibition of work by members of American Abstract Artists curated by Max Weintraub and presented at the Abrons Arts Center at Henry Street Settlement and the Morris-Warren Gallery, January 27 – February 21, 2016.
More info…

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Endless, Entire Reviewed in Hyperallergic

December 11, 2015

Wheatstone Bridge 7a

Wheatstone Bridge 7a, cotton/polyester thread and polyester film, 10 x 10 inches, 2015

Muddying the Circumscribed Myth of Abstraction
by Alexis Clements

“Daniel G. Hill’s ‘Wheatstone Bridge 7[a]’ (2015) at first seems to describe a simple layering of one form on the other, but soon you see not only the transparent sheets of vellum but also the thread through the surface that created the shapes. For me this realization came at the end, with the loose ends of the knot tying off the string — the artist’s hand in an otherwise pristine, almost manufactured work. It reminded me of all the times my colleagues at my day job have seemed to believe that the things that appear on the internet or in emails do so automatically, without ever being placed by a human hand, crafted each time down to the character.”

Read full review

See more work from this series

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10 Ways at Clement & Schneider in Bonn

September 27, 2015

Black White Weave—St. John Chrysostom 27.5 x 27.5 x 3.5 cm, dyed and natural cotton over wood, 2015

Black White Weave—St. John Chrysostom
27.5 x 27.5 x 3.5 cm, dyed and natural cotton over wood, 2015

10 Ways, curated by Lorenza Sannai, travels to Clement & Schneider in Bonn, Germany, 27 September – 21 November, 2015

Summer Show Rules

June 5, 2015

Summer Show Rules
curated by Kazuko Miyamoto
June 5 – July 18, 2015
Gallery Onetwentyeight
128 Rivington Street, NY, NY
hours: Wed. – Sat. 1–7 pm, Sun. by appointment

Wire Painting

Wire Painting


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10 Ways, Derbylius Libreria Galleria D’Arte, Milano, Italia, April/May 2015

April 21, 2015

10 Ways
curated by Lorenza Sannai
April 21–May 16, 2015 (extended to June 7)
Derbylius Libreria Galleria D’Arte
Via Pietro Custodi n. 12 — 20136 Milano, Italia

Daniel G. Hill, Don Voisine, John Goodyear, Joanne Mattera, James Juszczyk, Lynne Harlow, Lorenza Sannai, Power Boothe, Stephen Westfall, Susan Smith

Each artist will exhibit one small work and a set of 10 artists books. Each book measures 6 ½ x 4 ¾ inches.

Announcements in english and italian
Catalog with essay by L. Sannai and statements by the artists

Black White Weave 1

Black White Weave 1

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